What’s in Organic’ly?

Organic’ly ingredients are mindfully chosen for minimal processing and maximum health benefits.


While others cut corners with cheap, nutrient-deficient ingredients, we stand behind our commitment to source the highest quality organic-certified, nutrient-rich, whole-food ingredients.


Organic'ly refuses to use any ingredients that don't meet "organic" standards and all of our baking mixes are free of gluten, grains, dairy, soy, GMO's, preservatives, fillers, artificial sweeteners, and added sugar.


No compromises. No exceptions.


Scroll down to see which ingredients we use, why we use them, the health benefits, and additional resources to learn more about each ingredient.

Organic Blanched Almond Flour

Almond flour is a great grain and gluten-free alternative to grain-based flours made from wheat. It is extremely versatile and can be used creatively, adding flavor, texture, and nutrition to cooking/baking.

Used in our Pancake & Waffle and Muffin mixes.

Modern wheat (a grain) is highly processed and offers little nutritional value. Evidence suggests that a grain-free diet may be beneficial for many people with digestive disorders, metabolic syndrome, and autoimmunity.

While considered a "tree nut" by the FDA, in botanical terms almonds are the seeds of the almond fruit, and are therefore considered a drupe, not a nut.

Finely ground almonds produce a flour that’s similar in texture to wheat flour. But almond flour isn’t flour, which is, by definition, milled from grain. And although the two may look alike, almond flour is naturally grain and gluten free.

Additionally, when compared to wheat flour, almond flour contains more protein, more healthy fat, more fiber, and vitamin E. It also provides substantial amounts of magnesium, calcium, and iron.

  • Weight Management. Despite being high in fat, almonds are a weight-management-friendly food. Because almonds are low in carbs but also high in protein and fiber, consuming almonds as a snack can leave a person feeling fuller for longer.
  • Heart Health. Almonds are supportive of heart health by improving fat levels in the blood. They boost "good" cholesterol (HDL), increase antioxidants in the bloodstream, reduced blood pressure, and improve blood flow.
  • Vitamin E. Almonds are among the world’s best sources of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, with just 1 ounce providing 37% of Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI). Vitamin E intake has been linked to lower rates of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Cancer Prevention. Almonds appear to be a protective factor against the development of certain types of cancer.
  • Blood Sugar Stability. Almonds are low in carbs but high in healthy fat, protein, fiber, and magnesium. These factors lower blood sugar levels and improves insulin function.

Organic Arrowroot Powder

Commonly used as a substitute for cornstarch, arrowroot powder is a starch that acts as a thickening agent. It’s great for plant-based and/or Paleo-friendly recipes, and is especially applicable for gluten and grain-free products because it helps improve their texture, crispness, and flavor.

Used in our Pancake & Waffle , Pizza Dough & Flat Bread, Sandwich Bread Loaf, and Muffin mixes.

Arrowroot powder comes from the root of the arrowroot plant, a perennial herb that is scientifically known as Maranta arundinacea, and is native to the West Indies, South and Central America.

It has a higher protein content than other tubers and provides over 100% of the DV for folate (Vitamin B9). Additionally, arrowroot provides significant amounts of phosphorus, iron, and potassium and is also rich in fiber and calcium.

  • Gluten-Free. Like most tubers, arrowroot powder is naturally free from gluten, making it an ideal choice for those following a gluten-free diet due to celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Vitamins & Minerals. Arrowroot is a complete source of B complex vitamins and minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. As a result, arrowroot supports good sleep, a healthy metabolism, heart, kidney, and brain health, and oxygen circulation in the body.
  • Weight Management. Foods high in fiber and resistant starch, like arrowroot, slow the rate of digestion, supporting weight management by creating a prolonged feeling of fullness.
  • Immune support. Considered a source of prebiotics, a type of fiber that feeds beneficial gut bacteria, arrowroot can boost immune health and may even positively influence how your body responds to many diseases.

Organic Coconut Flour

While money may not grow on trees, coconuts do! Perfect for low-carb, gluten-free, plant-based, and/or Paleo-friendly recipes, coconut flour blends well with nut flours and adds a naturally sweet, rich flavor and dense texture to baked goods. Coconut flour is another great alternative to those seeking alternatives to grain-based flours made from wheat.

Used in our Pizza Dough & Flat Bread and Muffin mixes.

Originating from the fruit of the palm tree Cocos Nucifera, coconut flour is made from dried ground coconut meat that is a natural byproduct of coconut milk production.

Although you’ll often find it classified as a seed, a fruit, or a nut, the coconut is actually a drupe (a fruit with a hard covering over the seed). Because coconuts are not considered a “botanical nut”, most people who are allergic to tree nuts can safely eat coconut.

Far more absorbent than traditional flour, coconut flour is thicker and will soak up much of the liquid in a recipe. And compared to traditional flour, coconut flour has more fat (healthy fat), protein, and fiber. It is also rich in minerals like iron and potassium.

  • Gluten-Free. Because it is naturally free from gluten, coconut flour is an ideal choice for those following a gluten-free diet due to celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Blood Sugar Balance. Because it’s lower in carbs than other common flours like wheat and corn, coconut flour has a milder effect on blood sugar levels, making it a great choice for diabetics and others looking to balance blood glucose levels.
  • Healthy Metabolism. Coconut flour contains high levels of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides). Research shows that MCTs have a thermogenic effect on the body and are used as nutrient and metabolic regulators. MCTs are easily digested and go straight to the liver when consumed, where they are converted into energy.
  • Lowers Cholesterol. According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, coconut flour is a great choice for those looking to lower their cholesterol. As an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, coconut flour has been shown to significantly reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Organic Banana Flour

Made from (you guessed it!) bananas, this flour is a gluten-free, grain-free resistant starch, making it friendly for those with celiac or gluten intolerance. Popular amongst those following Paleo or primal-like diets, banana flour has a similar texture to lighter wheat flours and can be used as a wheat flour alternative.

Used in our Pancake & Waffle mix.

Popular in Central America, Africa, Jamacia and Hati as a less expensive alternative to wheat flour, banana flour is gaining popularity in the U.S. due to it’s exceptional dietary properties and superior health benefits. When used as a substitute for wheat flour, it requires approximately 25% less volume than wheat flour.

We use it because it adds sweetness, texture and flavor to our pancake and waffle mix. And let’s face it...who doesn’t love bananas! Additionally, it a great replacement for eggs in recipes and is the key ingredients in providing a consistent cook through when preparing our baking mix without egg-free.

Banana flour is a great source of complex carbohydrates and is ideal for those following vegan, vegetarian, paleo, AIP and allergen friendly dietary protocols.

  • Packed With Potassium. Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium on the planet. Postassium, an electrolyte and essential mineral, that propmotes circulatory health, manages fluid levels within the body, prevents muscle cramps, and allows oxygen to reach your cells.
  • Supports Heart Health.Bananas are brimming with several key nutrients that support a strong and healthy heart. Potassium, for example, helps regulate blood pressure to prevent extra strain on the circulatory system and the heart. Bananas also contain a healthy dose of magnesium, which is essential to heart health as well. Magnesium deficienceies have been linked to high blood pressure, and high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Promotes Weight Management. Compared to other snack options, bananas are a great on-the-go choice because they are low in calories, pre-portioned, unprocessed, and full of nutrients and fiber. As a result of the high fiber content, bananas can help you feel full for longer, which can prevent mindless snacking between meals. As a result, they’re a great guilt-free option to satisfy sweetness cravings without derailing weight management efforts.

Organic Buckwheat Flour

Contrary to it’s name, buckwheat is unrelated to wheat and isn’t a grain. This nutrient rich superfood is actually a fruit seed packed with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it a favorite among plant-based and gluten-free eaters alike.

Used in our Pancake & Waffle and Sandwich Bread Loaf mixes.

Buckwheat is a grain-free nutrient-rich superfood that belongs to a group of foods called pseudocereals. These are gluten-free fruit seeds, like quinoa and amaranth, that are consumed as cereals but don’t grow on grasses.

Buckwheat seeds, or “groats”, are packed with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it a favorite among plant-based and gluten-free eaters alike.

These groats are harvested and ground into a surprisingly rich flour that makes buckwheat a flavorful replacement for wheat flour in baked goods. With it’s versatility in baking and numerous health benefits, there’s very little downside when it comes to buckwheat.

  • Improves Heart Health By Lowering Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Levels
  • Contains Disease-Fighting Antioxidants
  • Provides Highly Digestible Protein
  • High Fiber Content Is Filling and Helps Improve Digestion
  • Can Help Prevent Diabetes
  • Doesn’t Contain Gluten and Is Non-Allergenic
  • Supplies Important Vitamins and Minerals

Organic Tigernut Flour

Despite the name, tiger nuts are not nuts and they have little to do with tigers! Native to Africa and among the oldest cultivated crops, tiger nuts are actually small root vegetables known as tubers. With the size, taste, and appearance of a nut, they get their name from the stripes on their exterior. But make no mistake, this superfood is loaded with nutrients and offers many health benefits.

Used in our Pizza Dough & Flat Bread and Sandwich Bread Loaf mixes.

aTiger nuts can be ground into a granular flour that is perfect for baking. Tigernut flour offers a distinct natural sweetness and has a pleasant subtle nutty aftertaste.

Naturally grain and gluten free, tigernut flour is ideal for those following paleo, keto, plant-based, and allergy restrictive diets.

Tigernut flour is low glycemic, a great source of fiber, and contains a prebiotic resistant starch that supercharges gut health.

  • Packed with vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, phosphorous, and vitamins E and C
  • High in healthy fat like oleic acid, which is also found in olive and avocado oil.
  • Low glycemic and help block the absorption of carbs
  • Good for food allergies
  • Very high in fiber and supportive of good digestion
  • May boost libido as as a natural aphrodisiac

Organic Cassava Flour

Cassava is a versatile root vegetable (tuber) grown in tropical regions around the world that can be referred to as yuca, yucca, tapioca or manioc. The most common way to consume cassava is by grinding it into a flour used to create delicious baked goods. With it’s light taste and texture, cassava flour has wheat-like properties and can be used as a 1:1 substitute for wheat flour in baking.

Used in our Pizza Dough & Flat Bread mix.

This paleo and vegan friendly flour is an excellent option for individuals with food allergies as it is naturally gluten, grain and nut-free. Cassava is also a great source of resistant starch and vitamin C – supporting gut health, blood sugar management, enhanced immune function, and collagen production.

Although both tapioca flour and cassava flour are derived from the same plant and are sometimes referred to interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Cassava flour is produced from the fibrous plant, not just the starch, resulting it a favorite among substututes for wheat flour. Although slightly more dense than wheat flour, cassava flour has a pleasant taste and texture profile very similar to wheat.

  • Supports good digestion and healthy gut flora
  • Helps fight inflammation
  • Stabalizes blood sugar levels
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Supports metabolism and healthy weight management
  • Helps maintain hair, skin, bone and teeth health
  • Supportive of good heart health

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

Used as a natural flavoring for thousands of years, salt is one of the five basic tastes and is vital to our existence. But in recent years, it has been deemed an unhealthy additive that we should eliminate from our diets. But not all salt is created equal. Unrefined, unprocessed, mineral-rich varieties like the sea salt we use contains health-promoting trace minerals and offers many health benefits.

Used in all of our mixes.

There is a significant difference between unrefined, minimally-processed, mineral-rich varieties of sea salt versus common table salt, which is highly refined, heavily processed, and stripped of all its natural mineral content.

Although the chemical formula for both table salt and sea salt contains sodium chloride, the issue with table salt is that it is almost 100% sodium chloride, contains essentially no trace minerals, and commonly includes questionable fillers like anti-caking agents, MSG, and aluminum derivatives. Additionally, most food manufacturers add iodine to table salt, increasing the risk of thyroid dysfunction for those sensitive to its effects.

The sea salt we use is all-natural, contains no anti-caking agents or other additives, complies with organic standards, and can be deemed “organic compliant”. This is the highest standard for salt possible in the U.S. Because salt is classified by the USDA as a mineral, not a living thing with carbon compounds, there isn’t an organic certification for salt in the U.S.

  • Source of Trace Minerals. While it’s become more difficult to obtain trace minerals from the food we consume due to the decline of nutrient-rich soil, trace minerals are still abundant in our oceans. Sea salts, which come from the ocean, are a great source of micronutrients and can contain up to 84 trace minerals. And although our bodies only need trace minerals in small amounts, they are essential to survival.
  • Packed With Electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that create electrically charged ions in the body. They include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate. Unrefined, minimally processed sea salt retains most of its mineral content, including electrolytes, which we cannot live without.
  • Prevents Dehydration. Contrary to popular perception, water is the most common nutritional deficiency amongst Americans. However, at a cellular level, our bodies will not accept pure water. Water needs minerals (electrolytes) in order to traverse the electrical gradient of the cell membrane. Sodium (sea salt!) and potassium, two electrolytes that work together to ensure proper fluid balance in the body, are essential to this process and help to prevent dehydration.

Organic Monk Fruit

Considered by many health advocates to be nature’s best sweetener, monk fruit (aka luo han guo) has been celebrated as a revolutionary replacement for sugar and other sugar substitutes, without the harmful effects.

Used in our Pancake & Waffle and Muffin mixes.

Originating in the mountains of China, monk fruit is a small green fruit and member of the gourd family. It is 200 - 400 times sweeter than cane sugar, contains virtually no calories, and does not affect blood sugar levels like other sugars do.

Unlike most other low-calorie or non-nutritive sweeteners, monk fruit is associated with several health benefits and very few risks and/or side effects.

Long regarded as the “longevity fruit” monk fruit contains powerful antioxidant compounds called mogrosides. They provide varying levels of sweetness and offer a pleasant taste with no bitter aftertaste.

  • Blood Sugar Stability. Because the compounds found in monk fruit are metabolized differently by the body than natural sugars, they have no effect on blood sugar. Monk fruit provides the sweet flavor we crave, without all the damaging side effects of cane sugar and other sugar substitutes. This makes monk fruit ideal for those who are diabetic and/or on low-glycemic diets (i.e. keto).
  • Weight Management. Substituting sweeteners with non-nutritive sweeteners, like monk fruit, have been found to support weight management and help in the fight against obesity and diabetes.
  • Contains Antioxidants. Monk fruit’s mogrosides, the compounds that give it its intense sweetness, are also powerful antioxidants. Oxidative stress plays a part in many diseases and disorders, and choosing high-antioxidant foods is the key to reducing free radical damage in the body.
  • Fights Infections. A natural antimicrobial, monk fruit has shown the ability to fight off bacterial infections and some forms of yeast infection, including candida.
  • Cancer Prevention. While other sweeteners have shown to increase the risk of cancer, monk fruit seems to have the power to reduct it. There’s evidence suggesting that monk fruit has anti-carcinogenic effects and provides proteins that have anticancer abilities.


Organic Cocoa Powder

Pure cocoa powder is naturally gluten- and sugar-free and has a slightly fruity, bitter taste. When added to baked goods, it adds a deep chocolate flavor that can transform any food or beverage from ordinary to extraordinary.

Used in our Cocoa Muffin mix.

Most famous for its role in chocolate production, cocoa powder is made from cacao beans (cacao nibs), which are the seeds of the cacao tree.

Raw, unsweetened cocoa powder is loaded with a variety of micronutrients, including polyphenols and flavonoids, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. And due to its micronutrient content, raw, unsweetened cocoa powder offers many health benefits.

The cocoa powder we source is non-alkalized, meaning it is minimally processed and does not include alkalizing or neutralizing agents like ammonium, sodium, or potassium bicarbonate.

Caffeine Note: Cacao beans naturally contain small amounts of caffeine. 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder (which is the amount we use in 1 bag of our ‘cocoa’ flavor) contains approximately 11.5mg of caffeine, or approximately 3mg per serving. Compared to an 8oz cup of coffee, which contains 95mg of caffeine on average, this is a very minimal amount of caffeine.

  • Reduced Blood Pressure. The flavanols in cocoa are shown to improve nitric oxide levels in the blood, which can enhance blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
  • Heart health. Cocoa has also been found to reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and prevent the formation of blood clots. Combined, these benefits can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke.
  • Blood Sugar Balance. Unlike processed chocolate cocoa has anti-diabetic and blood sugar-regulating effects, offering protection against type 2 diabetes.
  • Brain Health. Polyphenols, such as those found in cocoa, have been found to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases by improving brain function, cognitive performance, and blood flow. In addition, its effect on the brain may also improve mood and symptoms of depression.

Organic Ceylon Cinnamon

Considered one of the top 3 most popular spices in the world, cinnamon has been used around the world for thousands of years due to its widespread health benefits and distinct, sweet, warming taste. Of the over 250 species of cinnamon that have been identified, Ceylon is considered to be more potent, best for health, and is often referred to as “true” or “real” cinnamon.

Used in our Cinnamon Muffin mix.

Cinnamon is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. When it dries, it forms strips that curl into rolls, known as cinnamon sticks. These sticks can be ground to form cinnamon powder, which we use with our 'cinnamon' flavored recipes.

Scientists believe that cinnamaldehyde, one of the natural compounds found in cinnamon, is responsible for most of cinnamon’s health benefits.

Due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, immune-boosting, cancer and heart-protecting properties, cinnamon is one of the most beneficial and popular spices on earth.

The two most commonly used types of cinnamon today are cassia (the more widely available, commonly used, and less expensive, generally referred to as “cinnamon”) and ceylon (considered to be more potent, best for health, and is often referred to as “true” or “real” cinnamon). We use ceylon!

  • Packed With Antioxidants. Researchers have identified at least 41 protective micronutrient compounds in cinnamon, including polyphenols, phenolic acid, and flavonoids, all antioxidants which help prevent chronic disease and oxidative stress.
  • Blood Sugar Balance. Researchers have found cinnamon can lower blood glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance, making it an ideal choice for diabetics and others concerned with managing blood sugar.
  • Heart Support. One of the top benefits cinnamon offers is its ability to protect against heart disease. Studies show that cinnamon can reduce most of the common heart disease risk factors, including high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure.
  • Anti-Inflammant. Due to the high levels of flavonoids (antioxidants) found in cinnamon, studies show it has potent anti-inflammatory benefits for pain management, muscle soreness, allergy symptoms, and other age-related concerns.
  • Fights Infections. Cinnamon provides antimicrobial, antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral support and has been used for centuries to naturally fight infections.

Organic’ly. Organic Without Compromise.